Strategic Priorities (November 2022)
The purpose of the International Council is to:
Bring together the perspectives of those holding key responsibilities across the Triratna community to develop strategy, provide guidance, and enable collaborative decision-making worldwide.
In November 2022, the International Council agreed and adopted the following nine strategic priorities (in priority order) to support the future vitality, sustainability, and growth of the worldwide Triratna community.
Below each priority is an expanding box with descriptions of desired outcomes and examples of some possible (but not formally agreed) initiatives/projects.

1. Strengthen the lineage of responsibility:
– support the spiritual and leadership development of those who occupy – and will occupy – positions of responsibility within Triratna. Clarify how decisions are made and by whom.
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: lineage of responsibility
- people who take up positions of responsibility within Triratna are appropriately supported and resourced to fulfill their roles confidently, competently, and sustainably
- Triratna has a pool of willing and capable people forming a succession pipeline – ensuring (as far as possible) that its projects, centres, structures, institutions etc continue to flourish the future
- those in positions of responsibility have clear mandates enabling them to exercise agency in relation to their roles and responsibilities
- an efficient, effective and culturally acceptable decision-making model/process is agreed and implemented across Triratna so that clear decisions are made and the actions that flow from them can be progressed
- the Lineage of responsibility is culturally valued and promoted as an aspect of the Bodhisattva path
- those in positions of responsibility are supported to make the most of the unique opportunity it provides for intense spiritual practice and growth
Possible initiatives/projects
- leadership development training (spiritual and organisational) for those in key roles
- coaching and mentoring
- placements, secondments and role-shadowing
- action learning and other initiatives that encourage peer learning and support for those in positions of significant responsibility
- clarify mandates of key responsibility-holders
- training in decision-making
2. Develop effective communications:
– develop and coordinate Triratna’s internal and external communications to encourage greater confidence, learning, depth, and harmony within our community; share the best of what Triratna offers to existing and new audiences; and respond in a timely and constructive manner to external media interest.
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: develop effective communications
- increased confidence and cohesion within and across Triratna
- increased spiritual depth of the existing sangha
- Triratna is reaching new and unexploited opportunities to spread the Dharma
- Triratna/the Dharma is accessible to more people in more places
- good external media relations
- greater clarity to FD funding decisions for communications related projects
Possible initiatives/projects
- creation of an overall Triratna communications strategy for the 21st century
- establishment of an International Communications Officer
3. Attract young people:
– continually attract and support young people for a Dharma life within Triratna
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: attract young people
- the average age of people attending centres is reducing
- the average age of mitras is reducing
- he average age of ordinands is reducing
- the average age at the time of ordination is reducing
- the average age of people starting centres and other Dharma related activities or projects is reducing
Possible initiatives/projects
- Young Buddhist coordinator in every Area
- training in how to create a culture attractive to young Buddhists
- bursary fund to help young people get on retreat
- inclusivity of young parents with families
- teams of young people working together in situations of intensity
- family retreats
- Buddhist schools
- young teams at retreat centres
4. Create, manage and grow Triratna’s wealth:
– generate, liberate, and invest financial resources to fund Triratna’s development, growth and its essential institutions
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: create, manage and grow Triratna’s wealth
- Triratna has a strategic financial plan to fund its future growth and development
- Triratna has a diverse portfolio of reliable income streams to fund essential infrastructure. (It is not wholly dependent upon FutureDharma)
- more TBRLs
- access to financial resources for/within Triratna gradually increases
- a pervasive culture and atmosphere of abundance
Possible initiatives/projects
- Triratna bank/credit union
- Triratna investment opportunities
- Triratna business development unit
- new TBRLs
- expansion of FutureDharma to other Triratna Areas
5. Develop situations of transformative intensity:
– create and support new opportunities for Triratna Buddhists to live, work and be together in ways that significantly deepen their experience of kalyana mitrata, and their understanding and practice of the Dharma
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: situations of transformative intensity
- manifestation of the Bodhicitta
- real taste of what the Dharma can do
- real transformation
- examples of attractive, vibrant and radical examples sangha – rippling out to the wider sangha
- attraction of young people
Possible initiatives/projects
- women’s retreat centre in India
- new TBRLs
- more Order training
- training for next generation of Order leaders
- more initiatives like the Dharma Life courses
- intensive online one year retreat
- new role of TBRL creator
6. Develop Triratna as a truly international Buddhist community:
– create the means for information and inspiration within Triratna to flow easily across languages and national boundaries
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: truly international Buddhist community
- strengthening of Areas
- unified Order
- shared practices
- cross-pollination of ideas
Potential initiatives/projects
- strong translations board
- monthly multi-lingual digest of what is alive in different parts of the Triratna world
7. Encourage diversity of different kinds:
– encourage a Triratna culture that is aware and respectful of individual and group differences so that it becomes more accessible and welcoming to an increasingly diverse range of people who want to learn and practice the Dharma as interpreted by Sangharakshita
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: encourage diversity of different kinds
- the diversity of people attending centres is increasing
- the diversity of mitras is increasing
- the diversity of ordinands is increasing
- the diversity of those getting ordained is increasing
- the diversity of those starting Buddhist Centres and other Dharma related activities or projects is increasing
Potential initiatives/projects
8. Dharmic engagement with social/ecological issues:
– encourage the development of a specifically Dharmic vision of, and approaches to, social/ecological issues
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: social/ecological issues
- young and idealistic people concerned about social/ecological issues are attracted to Triratna
- the work of the June 2022 IC meeting is progressed and further developed
- the creation of supportive conditions for spiritual practice that exemplify the values of non-violence and compassion in the social/ecological arenas
- Order members and others engaged in social/ecological activities are encouraged and supported to pursue their vision
Potential initiatives/projects
- adopt and communicate the IC’s 15 points (or its amended/agreed version)
- integrate this priority into the Sikkha Project and Dharma training courses for mitras
- online worldwide conference on Dr Ambedkar’s vision of personal and social transformation
- IC working groups to pursue this priority
9. Deepen understanding and trust between the three strands:
– encourage and support harmony within and between the College, Order and Movement strands; and deepen confidence in their shared path of practice
outcomes & possible projects/initiatives: understanding between the three strands
- increased sense of unity and commonality
- confidence and trust in our community
- the role of public preceptors in our community is understood, respected and taken seriously
- Order members want to be preceptors and join the College
- Order members will give money (because they trust the internal relations of the institutions)
Potential initiatives/projects
- IC meeting is intentionally designed and used to facilitate the achievement of this priority
- clear and attractive communication of roles and responsibilities of individuals and Strands
- international Shabda using other languages
- develop a three Strand meeting including public preceptors, chairs, mitra convenors, ordination teams, Order convenors, presidents
- Order members with key responsibilities encouraged to attend key Order gatherings
- create role for two Public Preceptors to focus on centre visits