The photo above was taken during a meeting of some of our ‘staff’ in late 2023 and on the left is Vajrasura, who lives in Dublin.
He is a part-time coordinator for the Sikkha project as well as being a Public Preceptor and significant contributor to the Dublin Buddhist Centre.

Somehow, I find myself working at the heart of Triratna’s institutions. Since March 2021, I’ve been the Convenor of the International Council and shortly afterwards became a trustee of Future Dharma. Prior to this I chaired the Manchester Buddhist Centre for several years and for much of that time I was also a member of executive of the European Chairs Assembly. I’m a private preceptor and president of the wonderful Sudharshanaloka Retreat Centre in New Zealand. In 2021, after 36 years living in and around Manchester, I happily returned to my hometown just north of Liverpool where I (probably unrealistically) aspire to spend more time with my family, live a quieter life on the coast, make art and practice karate.
International Communications Officer
My name is Bodhikamala, I’m Mexican, and I live in Toluca, Mexico. I was ordained about 7 years ago. Currently, I collaborate with the Toluca Buddhist Centre and with the team that supports the Ordination Training for women in Mexico (and Latin America).
I’m thrilled to have been chosen to work as the International Comunication Officer! My greatest inspiration is to live a committed life in the Dharma and serve others to the best of my ability. I’m convinced that Triratna has a lot to offer to a world that desperately needs the Three Jewels, and I’m excited to contribute to this work.
Our beautiful Order is growing, and I hope to help unite our efforts, build new bridges of communication among ourselves and with the world, and foster an increasingly plural, inclusive, and international perspective. For the benefit of all beings!

Working part-time for the IC, and part-time for the ECA Development Team, I joined the Order in 1993 and have found myself in or around Manchester (UK) for most of the time since. From December 2021 I started to work part-time as the assistant to the International Council whilst also continuing part-time with the ECA’s Development Team – satisfying to be serving Triratna in various ways and which brings me into contact with many excellent Order Members from around the world. That said, quite a lot of my time is spent sat at my computer, so I have to sometimes drag myself out into the surrounding hills, go running, do my bit for the Manchester Centre, or practice my drums!

International Movement Coordinator
One of the aims of the International Council is to ‘join up’ Triratna across the world. Whilst there have long been ways of doing that with the College and the Order, there hasn’t been one for the Movement – until now with the arrival of Jnanadhara which is the fruit of a 3-way funding collaboration between Future Dharma Fund, the ECA and Windhorse Trust.
Jnanadhara says: I am originally from New Zealand where I met Triratna in the mid-nineties towards the end of three years studying music. In 1999 I moved to the UK and spent time in Cambridge where I worked at Windhorse Trading immersing myself in the Triratna Village that was thriving there at that time.
I was ordained in 2003 and soon after I relocated to Dublin, Ireland where I have been living since. As well as teaching and playing music I’ve spent most of my time in Dublin working at the Dublin Buddhist Centre, including 12 years as chair.
In the second half of my time as chair I became involved with the International Council for the Movement Strand in the UK and Ireland, and more latterly I joined the Steering Group. At the same time I did what I could to coordinate the Movement Strand internationally.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to continue working – now full-time – for the Movement Strand within the International Council in this new role of International Movement Coordinator. I am looking to develop the channels of communication between all of our different Buddhist centres and Triratna projects worldwide so we can be more joined-up and effective in our efforts to bring the Dharma to more and more people. I believe our spiritual community is uniquely placed to respond to people’s deepest spiritual needs and aspirations and I’d love to see us grow in our skill and capacity to engage in this essential task.